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Don’t Be Afraid of a Smile Makeover

Does your smile need some work? Are you sensitive about your teeth and how you may look while you eat or drink? Does speaking in public leave you anxious because you’re worried about the appearance of your teeth? Have you been putting off talking to a cosmetic dentist because you’re worried about the dental therapies you might need? Don’t be afraid of a smile makeover! A smile makeover can be a simple thing, as minor and fast as teeth whitening, a process that can often be completed in-office in a single visit.

If you are looking for solutions to your smile problems, begin by finding a skilled cosmetic dentist. You want to be sure to see photographs of some of the actual work done by a particular cosmetic dentist. Don’t assume that what you see online are actual patient photographs – they may be someone’s patients, but if they weren’t this dentist’s patients, you’re not getting any closer to identifying the right cosmetic dentist for you.

Ask around for private recommendations from friends and family; it might surprise you how many people you know have had work done to their smiles. You might assume that your coworker’s smile is all natural, only to learn it’s the result of a skilled cosmetic dentist and veneer work done so carefully and well that they look just like natural teeth.

Dental veneers can transform your smile in only a few visits. Good veneers will be made of materials that mimic the color and translucency of natural teeth. They won’t look puffy, too long or artificial and will complement your hair and skin color. Orthodontia can change the alignment of your teeth, with choices such as Invisalign to help you feel more confident as you change your smile.

A smile makeover can benefit you in so many ways by simply boosting your self-confidence. After you complete your treatment, you will be surprised at how much better you feel about yourself and about life in general. You will face the day with confidence, knowing you can live your life without worry about your smile.

Dr. Michael Woolbert & Dr. William Hall is a cosmetic dentist in Shreveport offering smile makeovers.

What You Should Know About Porcelain Veneers

If you are unhappy with your smile, porcelain veneers are a cosmetic dentistry option that can provide you with flawless teeth. Veneers are a very popular way to improve your appearance without a major, invasive procedure. Here are some things you should know about porcelain veneers if you are considering them as a solution for an imperfect smile.

Difference between veneers and crowns
The purpose of veneers is to restore your smile, and your original teeth are not removed or altered. However, a large part of the original tooth structure is removed with crowns in the process of building a new tooth. If you’re seeking a minimally invasive option, veneers may be your answer.

Natural appearance
Veneers are customized just for you, so your smile can be personalized to meet your desires. Your teeth will look natural and healthy. Porcelain is translucent and provides a realistic look to your smile. Also, stains do not stick to porcelain and even if there is any small staining, it can be easily polished off during a dental cleaning.

Permanent solution
Veneers are a permanent tooth restoration, so make sure you are happy with the color and shape before they are placed using dental cement. Alterations cannot be made once the veneers are in place.

Requires healthy teeth
A thorough examination by your dentist is required to determine if veneers are right for you. Some oral conditions do not work well with veneers, so your dentist will make sure your teeth and mouth are healthy enough to work successfully with veneers.

Cosmetic Dentist in Shreveport

Trends in Cosmetic Dentistry

Dentistry today does not just include treatments for tooth and gum problems or diseases. The trend in dentistry has expanded to include a wide range of treatments and procedures with the purpose of improving your appearance. The purpose of cosmetic dentistry is to give you the most appealing smile possible so that you can be happy with your look and have an improved self-esteem. Here are some trends in cosmetic dentistry explained.

Mild to severely damaged teeth can be treated with dental bonding. A tooth-colored material is applied to the fractured or chipped surface of your tooth and then bonded with a special light. The restoration provides a renewed look to your tooth so that others can’t even tell it was ever damaged.

Teeth whitening
A bright white smile gives of a great impression of oral health and beauty. Stains from age, foods, drinks, and habits like smoking all play a role in making your smile dull and unattractive. Cosmetic dentists offer teeth whitening procedures that can turn your smile around in just an hour.

Another way to easily improve your smile is dental veneers. These thin shells usually made of porcelain are permanently adhered to the fronts of your teeth, giving you a bright and flawless smile for many years to come.

Instead of having lengthy orthodontic treatment to correct crooked teeth or uneven spacing, contouring is an option to improve your look. Also called tooth reshaping, this procedure is additionally used to correct irregularly shaped teeth and alter issues like overly pointy teeth. During contouring, small amounts of tooth enamel are removed in order to change the tooth’s shape, length, or surface.

Implants and dentures
To replace missing teeth, dental implants are dentures are both options depending on the patient and the specific situation. Many people prefer implants because they are a permanent and secure solution.

Cosmetic dentist in Shreveport

Porcelain Veneers Revealed

Thank goodness for modern dentistry that allows people to have attractive smiles even though their teeth may not cooperate. For some people, regular dental care is enough to keep their teeth and gums healthy and looking nice. However, over time many people’s teeth become stained or discolored. Chips and cracks can occur that cause unsightly and embarrassing problems. If things like this happen to you, it’s time to consider restoring your smile with porcelain veneers.

Veneers are thin porcelain shells that are permanently adhered to the front surfaces of your teeth, hiding imperfections and giving you a whole new look. It is a simple, non-invasive procedure that can make a dramatic difference in your appearance without any pain or great inconvenience.

There are a variety of benefits to getting porcelain veneers. Here are some of the great advantages you can expect if you and your dentist decide that veneers are right for you:
•  Veneers completely hide stains and discolorations on your teeth. Years of eating and drinking foods that tend to stain your teeth can be erased with veneers. For tough stains, sometimes whitening techniques simply aren’t enough. Veneers provide an easy remedy that will immediately and effectively hide your problem teeth.
•  You and your dentist can choose the exact color that you’d like your veneers to be. You can select the best shade to match your other features and your goals for your smile.
•  Obtaining veneers does not require invasive procedures like reshaping, scraping, or extensive contouring of your teeth. There isn’t any pain associated with the veneer process.
•  Only one or two dental appointments are necessary to get veneers.
•  Porcelain veneers are durable and strong, often lasting from ten to fifteen years.
•  Veneers give you back your confidence so that you are proud to smile and display your beautiful look.

Cosmetic dentist in Shreveport – Dr. Michael Woolbert & Dr. William Hall

Quick and Easy Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments

Not all dental procedures are extensive and invasive. Cosmetic dentistry offers many treatments to improve your smile that are relatively simple and require little time in the dental chair. If you have good overall oral health but are unhappy with your smile, you may want to consider some of these options for quick improvement.

Teeth whitening is one of the easiest and most popular cosmetic dental treatments for instantly improving the quality of your smile. Every day we expose our teeth to damaging and dulling foods and beverages that result in a dingy smile. Professional teeth whitening can whiten your teeth as much as ten shades in as little as one office visit, leaving you with a healthier and younger looking smile.

Dental bonding is an excellent way to repair small imperfections on teeth quickly, such as a discolored, chipped, or oddly shaped teeth. Bonding is essentially a simplified version of a veneer or a crown using tooth-colored resin to bond to the tooth and repair the problem. Bonding can usually be completed in a single visit to your dentist.

Many dentists are now offering snap-on teeth. A Snap-On Smile is a removable appliance that covers your natural teeth. The appliance uses your natural teeth to stay in place and does not require any additional adhesive to hold in place. A Snap-On Smile can be removed during sleep and for cleaning, but otherwise stays in your mouth for all of your usual activities. Patients with special needs, such as fear of the dentist or medical conditions which preclude extensive dental procedures, may also benefit from the use of snap-on teeth.

For more information about how to quickly and easily improve the look of your smile, schedule a consultation with cosmetic dentist Dr. Michael Woolbert & Dr. William Hall. It is easier than you may think to get that beautiful smile in no time!

Schedule your appointment at our Shreveport dental office

Advantages of a Smile Makeover

If you are unhappy with the look of your smile due to stained or imperfect teeth, you may want to consider visiting a cosmetic dentist for a smile makeover. Studies have shown that people with beautiful smiles are perceived to be more successful, trustworthy and approachable. While this is an obvious benefit to pursuing a smile makeover, rejuvenating your smile through cosmetic dentistry procedures has other advantages as well:

  • Enhances confidence and improves self-esteem
  • Prevents tooth loss and decreases the risk of infection and disease because straight, smooth teeth without gaps are easier to keep clean
  • Creates a healthier and more youthful appearance
  • Restores strength and functionality of teeth
  • Allows for easier brushing and flossing of teeth
  • Increases motivation to maintain excellent oral care
  • Provides natural-looking results that compliment your facial structure

Cosmetic and restorative dentistry at our Shreveport dental office  offers a wide array of treatments to improve your smile and overall oral health. Your smile makeover can be tailored to fit your individual needs and could include any of all of the following dental procedures:

  • Teeth whitening
  • Cosmetic bonding
  • Porcelain veneers
  • Tooth-colored fillings
  • Dental implants and bridges
  • Braces or Invisalign
  • Gum contouring

A smile makeover will usually combine two or more of these treatments to achieve the result you desire. Most smile makeover procedures are non-invasive, and some can be completed in as little as one office visit while others may require multiple appointments.

Thanks to current advances in dental technology, you no longer have to settle for a less than perfect smile. Consult with a qualified dental professional to find out how you can enjoy the benefits and advantages of a bright, new smile with a smile makeover.

Our dental office is located in Shreveport